specialist networking events

use our focused approach

To help you network with the right people who can help you grow your business by referring you to their contacts.


Meet other professionals who can help you grow.


Come and feel motivated to improve your business.

Have Fun​

Attend one of our regular social events and let your hair down.


Being a member of Unite has done wonders for my business and building my network. Further than that, I've made some lifelong friends who, as business owners, share the same drive and passion as I do.”


I went into it with my eyes wide open, not expecting to make millions off the bat! That being said, there have been significant financial gains and we’re seeing exponential growth since joining.


This represents about 50% of my business. My largest clients, which generated me the most commission, were quality referrals given to me by other members. I had set myself a target, so to achieve nearly double that was amazing..

Mortgage Advisor

I attended one of their networking events and when I saw the amount of business being passed around, I thought yeah, I want to do this, I'm going to give join and give it a try. That was the turning point and when I looked at the figures and thought, I should have done this years ago.


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